Monday 28 January 2013

Task 1 - Project Brief:

Design a package that reflects your unique skills and interests as a graphic designer. Develop a branding strategy and logo that communicates your interests as a designer and can be applied to a packaging design. This can include graphics, typography, illustration, photography and any other graphical device you feel best communicates your skills and interests. However each graphical element should be well considered and appropriate to your overall branding strategy. 

BRAND - A brand can be defined as a name, term, symbol, or design intended to identify the goods and services of one seller and differentiate from similar services. Brands often ‘craft’ a personality that represents a set of values that appeal to their target audience. 

ICON – A graphic element that represents an object, person or service. An icon can be a photograph it can be diagrammatic or illustrative. An effective icon seeks to reduce the subject to simple and instantly recognisable characteristics. 

^^ I need to remember to always refer back to the brief therefore allowing me to easily stay on track...

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